Trains are incredibly fast and we arrived in London around 11.00am, got the underground to Victoria and were in Dover at 2.00 ish.
Calais pretty bleak, but found a nice hotel and a great restaurant; Escargot followed by beef stew or Salmon and then Creme Brulee: cheeses and Coffee; With a bottle of wine the bill was about 120 dollars. And excellent service. The cheeses are to die for! lots of locals eating and drinking too.
Caught the high speed train to Lille this morning and then another to Marseille where er are now; So the length of France in 5 or 6 hours. The trains fly!
Had a small altercation on the train today with é jumped up guards. They demanded our seats for their office. We had to give them up after an arguement. One of the passengers is going to complain about them for us.