Sunday, November 05, 2006

Day Trip to Hebden Bridge 5/11/06

We met Jenny & Keith in this lovely village south of the Bronte country & Haworth.
Hebden Bridge is named after the packhorse over the Hebden water. It was apparently a meeting point of packhorse routes in medieval times from as far away as Rochdale in Lancashire.

It was another major textile area in the industrial revolution & of course now is having to find other ways of attracting people into the area. It was doing a fine job on the day we were there. We went off to our pub lunch & made our way to a lounge which was quite & away from the "great unwashed". However some local families & their children also had the same idea. Our hearts sank, however our companions turned out to be lovely people with very modern dad's who did all the child minding, baby changing, feeding whilst the women sat & chatted.
(hmm smart women, lovely dads!!)

Our post-prandial walk was down by the canal, where Keith & John dawdled to chat to some rather taciturn barge owners who were managing the locks. They thawed out a bit after a chat about their Manchester journey & a little help with loch gates.

John & I drove home over the moors & headed for home along the Skipton road. About 10 miles from home we were diverted off the road because of an accident. Great stuff, you get turfed off the road but no-one tells you where the accident is so that you can get back on the road after the blockage. We ended up on another adventure going via Pateley Bridge.

That night was bonfire night so we went off up to "the Stray" to look at the fireworks. Actually the Christmas lights in the trees were much more impressive I thought.